Thursday, June 6, 2024

Styles, Faces, Observations

Friday Face-Off

You may recognize the impressionist style that I specified for the first picture. For most of the other images, I experimented with various styles that I found on StarryAI. Sometimes my prompts were purposely vague. 

If I failed to specify a gender, I usually got a female. Perhaps that is because I used words like peaceful or garden. Or perhaps it is just that the Internet is full of pictures of girls. I got quite a few images of scantily-clad beauties, but I didn’t even download them. They are clichés.

The picture of a man is supposed to be a particular singer-songwriter. I’ll probably try that style again, if I can find it

Since AI draws from a database of existing images, it reflects the commonalities and banalities that exist in human culture. Many of the results are trite. Some look like amateur copies of a famous painting, or greeting cards from the dollar store. I’m always glad when I get something that’s a little bit different and not awful. Computers are not creative, at least not yet. They are imitative.

But so is most art. The more I play with computerized “art” and compare it to human-made art, the more I realize that most artists are also making imitative work. I like going to art shows, but an awful lot of artwork has as much sameness to it as AI images. Real brushstrokes do not guarantee originality.

A few more faces.

And finally, a squirrel. I created it for a post on my other blog.



  1. Interesting approach. And a cutie-pie at the end. To faces!

  2. The first one looks very much like an old portrait painting. I like it.

  3. You have some wonderful face here. I'm with Iris and love that cute squirrel.

  4. My reaction to AI art to date is not admiring, and I think you captured perfectly what I find problematic… you wrote: “Since AI draws from a database of existing images, it reflects the commonalities and banalities that exist in human culture. Many of the results are trite. Some look like amateur copies of a famous painting, or greeting cards from the dollar store.”
    So true!
    Another way that someone expressed this sentiment is to say that AI can make a painting that looks like a Picasso — but it couldn’t invent cubism.
    Who knows what AI will do in the future?
    Maybe it will progress, maybe not. Until then, I guess we’ll have dollar-store greeting card art.
    best, mae at

  5. The first one looks like a Renoir.
    The squirrel--a cutie pie. :)

  6. I really love all of these but the 3rd one is my favorite. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very nice weekend.

  7. It's been interesting to see what my FB friends are doing with AI. They are enjoying playing with it.


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