Sunday, September 29, 2024

I Dreamed I was Watching…

... civilization unravel. No, I was not asleep. I was looking at the news on the Internet. I am afraid that it was not a dream.



  1. I thought you have painted the first one. It's well done 👍🏼😍
    Happy FFO 🍁

  2. These are great and I echo your fears. Fear is ‘their’ weapon sad to say. Fear and lies!

  3. The news can indeed feel overwhelming, almost surreal at times. It’s important to take a step back and focus on the good that still exists in the world too. Sometimes, it’s those small, positive moments that keep us grounded amidst the chaos.

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This morning. I made several attempts to create a computer-generated image for Valentine's Day. This one is probably the most suitable. ...